Smiling Helps?

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to talk about this week but then, a thought popped into my head from a few years ago and, more importantly, I listened to a fantastic video from Sophie who was so open about what she was going through. You definitely need to go into the Community of Affiliate System.

that being said, have you ever realized that, when you’re going through a bad or a rough period of time, smiling helps?

Let’s face it: life can be a rollercoaster, filled with ups, downs, and those weird in-between moments where you’re not sure if you’re on the way up or down. But here’s the thing—there’s a simple, powerful tool at your disposal that can help you make those dips a little less steep: smiling.

Yes, just that! It might sound too good to be true, but science backs it up. Smiling has been shown to reduce stress, boost your mood, and even trick your brain into thinking you’re happier than you might really feel. So, how do we harness this superpower in our day-to-day lives?

Start Your Day with a Smile

Grab your morning coffee, tea, or whatever gets you going, and take a moment to sit down and breathe. Before you dive into that to-do list or start scrolling through your phone, pause and think about something that makes you happy. Maybe it’s a funny meme you saw yesterday or the fact that your dog did something adorable. Hold onto that thought for a moment and let a smile spread across your face. It’s like giving your day a positive little nudge in the right direction.

The Power of a Gratitude List

Got a few minutes while you’re waiting for the bus or standing in line? Use that time to mentally list five things you’re grateful for. They don’t have to be big things. It could be as simple as having a cozy bed to sleep in or the fact that the sun is shining today. Gratitude has a way of shifting your focus from what’s going wrong to what’s going right, and that’s a surefire way to bring a smile to your face.

Turn Mundane Tasks Into Moments of Joy

We all have those tasks we dread—laundry, dishwashing, you name it. But what if you could turn them into opportunities for joy?

Put on your favorite playlist and have a dance party while you fold your clothes, or listen to an entertaining podcast while you tackle the dishes. It’s amazing how a little music or engaging content can transform a mundane task into something really enjoyable.

In my case, being a 60’s kid growing up listening to 60’s, 70’s and 80’s music can definitely get those dancing shoes going – and before you know it, you’ll find yourself smiling without even realizing it.

Connect with Someone You Love

Feeling down? It’s time maybe to reach out to someone who lifts your spirits. Give a friend a call, send a funny text to a sibling, or video chat with a family member. Humans are social creatures, and even a short interaction can bring a sense of connection and happiness. Plus, sharing a laugh or a smile with someone else is contagious in the best way possible. Social Media has that going for it.

Random Acts of Kindness

Here’s a secret: making someone else smile can often make you smile too. So, perform a random act of kindness. Compliment a stranger’s outfit, buy a coffee for the person behind you in line, or write a positive review for a local business you love. The ripple effect of kindness is real, and you’ll feel a warm glow knowing you’ve brightened someone else’s day.

Practice Mindfulness

Take a few minutes during your lunch break or before bed to practice mindfulness. You don’t need to meditate for hours on end; just find a quiet spot, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Notice the thoughts that come and go, and let them pass without judgment. Mindfulness helps you stay present and reduces stress, making it easier to smile even on tough days.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

If all else fails, remember the age-old saying that laughter is the best medicine. Watch a comedy show, read a funny book, or spend time with people who make you giggle. Laughter releases endorphins, your brain’s feel-good chemicals, which help improve your mood and make you more likely to smile.

Embrace Imperfection

Finally, cut yourself some slack. Life isn’t perfect, and that’s okay! Embrace the quirks, the mistakes, and the unexpected detours. I know that in my case, the past 3 weeks have been full of downs and not too many ups because of an unexpected spending spree for the house. Let’s just say that spending $20,000 wasn’t in the budget but, I have to say that my wife is definitely correct: the efforts I put during all that time has pretty much helped us save over $6,000.00 and like she says: “$2,000 a week isn’t that small chunk of change!”.

That being said, all told when you learn to laugh at yourself and take things a little less seriously, you’ll find it easier to smile—even when things don’t go as planned.

Call to Action

So, here’s your mission: try out one of these tips today. See how it feels to intentionally shift your mood and bring more smiles into your life. And remember, it’s not about forcing happiness; it’s about creating little pockets of joy that add up over time.

Share your experiences in the comments below or drop me a message if you have a go-to strategy for turning a frown upside down. Let’s spread the smiles and make the world a brighter place, one grin at a time!

Remember, a smile is a small change that can make a big difference. So, why not give it a try and see where it takes you? Happy smiling!

Like what you’re reading or have questions? Don’t be shy, write it up in the comments section for me to reply and more importantly, don’t forget to subscribe to my blog and Tik Tok account @canadianwolfe for continuous insights and tips. Together, let’s leverage the proven methods from Dean Holland’s Affiliate System to create a sustainable income stream.

To your success…to our success!

18 thoughts on “Smiling Helps?”

  1. Everyday is a new opportunity to share our value and wisdom. Smiling is a good example of going into the world and sharing joy through a smile. Why would anyone want to do otherwise? The muscles used to smile are less than muscles used to frown. I always found that to be revealing.

    1. Hi Kate,
      Yes, a great reminder that the muscles we use are an intricate part of our body – and smiling makes us use the good ones!
      All the best and thank you for your comment!

  2. Hi Marc – I find that I start to look forward to your blog posts each week. You always seem to have something of value to offer right when I need it. I want to take your challenge and practice at least one of your subject headlines from this blog. But I can’t. I plan to practice several not just one! I’m going to start with Mindfulness. I’m going to accept the situation that I’m in right now and be mindful of the realities I am presented with. I’m going to practice Random Acts of Kindness with the intent of trying to get someone to smile. And finally, I plan to Laugh a little bit today Well, I tried to laugh a lot every day. I tend to tease people and am very good about taking the ribbing right back as a little levity goes a long way for me. Thanks for sharing your blog post and your thoughts this week and I look forward to more wisdom from you!

    1. Hi Ernie,
      Appreciate your comment and thank you for the upvote on what I bring. Definitely a great thing to smile and laugh a little more each day; we’ve got enough going on in our heads that we don’t need that extra pressure!
      Thanks again for dropping in and providing your insightful comment!

  3. I was going through a very difficult and discouraging time a couple weeks ago. Part of what I had to do was just take a break from the things that were discouraging me. Not give up, but let myself take a break. Most of the time when I’m feeling down I need some rest, and then I focus on enjoying and appreciating the many beautiful things I have in my world – I would think of that as a form of mindfulness, and practicing gratitude.

    1. Hi Nathan,
      Being able to take a break and give yourself the time to recharge is definitely something important to remember. Gives us the chance to recharge the batteries and focus on the tasks at hand.
      It’s one of the things that we tend to forget and push ourselves in the wrong direction; hence, why burn-outs happen so often.
      Great comment and thanks again for the reminder that taking a break doesn’t make us quitters: it proves that we are kind enough to our body and mind to acknowledge that a break is required.
      All the best!

  4. Love the tips for motivating yourself. It all starts with a smile. I am relieved that I am not the only one struggling here. Nice workable suggestions that are not too hard to do.

    1. Hi Scott,
      Thanks for dropping in and providing your comment! And yup, we all seem to struggle at one point or another; biggest reward we can give ourselves is the fact that we kneel and take a break when we need to and stand back up and get things done!
      All the best!

  5. It’s so true—smiling really can change your perspective, even on the tough days. I’ve found that little moments of gratitude and connection can work wonders too! Your tips for turning mundane tasks into fun activities made me smile just reading them. Here’s to embracing the rollercoaster of life with a grin! Keep spreading those good vibes!

    1. Hi Sarah,
      thanks for your comment and yes, small things can make a difference, even the smallest of smiles! Definitely keeping a grin on my face when facing the rollercoaster that is life!
      All the best!

  6. This is a beautifully uplifting post! I completely agree—smiling can be such a powerful yet simple tool to shift our mood and help us navigate through life’s ups and downs. The idea of intentionally incorporating smiles into everyday routines, whether it’s starting the day with a smile or turning mundane tasks into moments of joy, is a fantastic reminder of how small actions can make a big difference.

    Your example about the unexpected house expenses really hits home. Life often throws us these curveballs, but as you highlighted, finding humor and learning to embrace imperfection can help us stay positive even when things don’t go as planned.
    Thanks for spreading such a positive message—looking forward to more of your posts. Keep up the great work, and here’s to spreading more smiles! 😊

  7. Marc, you’ve laid out plenty of good advice for that all important smile. I used to look forward to the Reader’s Digest section, “Laughter is the Best Medicine”.

    Now a table tent sign sits on my desktop that reads, “SMILE! It makes ’em wonder what you’ve been up to!”.

    I am often annoyed with how I look when I’m forced to smile – but lately I find sticking my tongue out with a grin on my face works just as well.

    1. Hi Robert,
      Totally love the sign you mention! and now makes me want to either go and buy one or literally create one! Can’t force a smile but definitely will bring a few on faces if there’s a bit of a grimace on yours!
      All the best!

  8. Hi Marc,

    I really needed to hear this today! It’s amazing how something as simple as smiling can shift your mood, especially when things aren’t going great. I love the idea of starting the day with a smile and finding joy in little moments. I’m definitely going to try out your suggestion of listening to a good podcast while doing dishes, anything to make those everyday tasks feel more enjoyable!

    Yes, the Affiliate System community has been such a huge help for me too. Thanks for sharing this! Looking forward to reading more of your posts!


    1. Hi Meredith,
      Every little step you make to help bring a smile on your face – and the face of others – is definitely a step in the right direction!

  9. Hi Marc,

    I’m definitely trying out the morning smile routine more often, and those gratitude lists are also important! When I was younger, and I had to clean my room and wash dishes or do any of those mundane tasks, listening to music gave me a boost. Now, don’t necessarily always listen to music, but I like to listen to something positive and uplifting.

    Great tips and a solid call to action at the end. Thank you

    1. Hi Alberto,
      Gotta just do it! Swing your legs from the bed, put your 2 feet on the ground and then smile! What a way to start the day!
      Have a great smiling day!

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