I believe that my generation was brought up with the notion that “You can’t always have what you want” (even the song says so)…
My mother, contrary to many, always told me: “You can have everything you want… Just not all at the same time”.
I truly didn’t understand what she meant by that when I was younger but as I got more “Life Experience” and developed another thing called patience, I came to understand what such a small phrase could mean for me.
It meant that if I planned properly and focused on what I needed to do, there was pretty much nothing that could stop me from achieving it. As long as I kept focus on what needed to be done and applied what I was learning, I knew that I would reach those goals and dreams I had set out to attain.
Patience Is A Virtue
We’ve pretty much all heard that phrase and most would say that they’ve been able to apply that patience to the tasks they needed to do. One thing I found to be quite hard though was having the patience to wait for things that would only materialize in the long term.
Looking back, when I was going through all those “shiny objects” on the internet and purchasing them, I wasn’t really looking for that one thing that could make me a millionaire right off the bat; I was looking for something that could bring me that financial security which would mean I could say goodbye to the 9 to 5 rut.
Hence, having the patience to wait for it to come to fruition. Something that seems to be lacking in our DNA sometimes….
When I got involved with Internet Profits, although the name states it, I found myself looking at an owner and staff who were more interested in a long term success for me than a bang of a buck when selling me the Affiliate Program.
Dreaming Big Is Ok
I don’t care what people will say; I always felt that Dreaming Big was OK. The bigger the dream; the bigger the reward! Now, I do have to be honest, have all my dreams come true? No… at least not yet…
The main things I wanted are present though; I have a wife who not only is a terrific partner but a great friend who’s stood by me through the rough and good times. Now it does help that she not only drinks Guinness but also loves Rugby, Football and did I say it? She makes one mean Dry Martini?
I also have my health; we started training with a personal trainer 3 times a week a few years ago and I have to say, it took a bit of time (you know that patience thing?) but it’s starting to show and the close to 57 year old guy who’s talking to you now, is looking younger and younger each day! (ok; maybe not that young, but don’t burst that dream ok?).
Seriously though, I look back at what I wanted when I was a younger lad and many of those dreams have come to fruition. But it started by one action….
Writing Your Dreams Down 
Ok, so for the younger generation – you know, those who have a phone in their hands 23 hours a day and have thumbs that can write faster than a speeding bullet – might not be to engrained on this but, it all started by me writing down my dreams on pen and paper. From the smallest to the biggest.
Did they change? Sure they did. Over time, some got bigger…. Some got erased and then there were those that continue to be on it to this day.
The other thing that I also realized was that there was no way that many of those dreams would become a reality if I worked for someone else.
You might be telling me, well Marc, I’m a neurosurgeon and even though I’m working for a hospital, I’m making some pretty good money…. Yeah..well, we’re not all neurosurgeons and we sure aren’t all making six figures a year… Yet!
Using the advantages that the internet and Affiliate Marketing offers today is one of the best ways to reach your financial goals and make those dreams come true all the while working for yourself and getting out of the 9 to 5 rut.
It’s Never Too Late
The other aspect is that it’s never too late to reach out for that dream or for those dreams. I’ve met up with a few people who’ve become friends who are either close to or at retirement and now want to be in a position to make those dreams happen.
I’ve also spoken to younger kids who look at what’s out there right now and have loftier goals than a 9 to 5 job that just won’t make those happen. They want to be financially independent. They also don’t want someone telling them when or where they need to work.
With the global outreach the internet provides, there’s never a better time than the present to make that jump. Let’s not forget, the internet and more specifically Internet Profits, offered by Dean Holland, have all the tools that will help anyone reach the goals they’ve set for themselves. It only needs to provide the proper service or product – and include coaching and mentorship – just what Dean and Internet Profits currently offer.
It’s Not A Race
I’m sorry to say though that, contrary to others selling the “shiny objects with millions of dollars with just a few clicks”, getting there isn’t instantaneous. It will take time and, you guessed it, patience.
The best example of this is a marathon; runners may start off quite quickly to separate from the starting pack but once out of the gate, they fall into a rythme and slower pace that will bring them to the finish line.
There will also be bumps on the road to success… There will be days that things just won’t seem to be going your way and you’ll just feel like quitting. But if you persevere, have patience, you will not only hit those dreams head-on but will surpass them completely. It just takes time, patience and a dream… Preferably, a big one — ok, make that several big ones!
Like what you’re reading or have questions? Don’t be shy, write it up in the comments section and don’t forget to subscribe!
To your success…to our success!
I love what your mother say about “You can have everything you want… Just not all at the same time”. That’s so full of wisdom.
A lot of people sabotage themselves because they want everything “right now”. That’s probably why so many people chase after get rich quick schemes and jump from shiny object to shiny object. I have certainly made those mistakes myself.
Thanks for sharing this. It is a quote I am going to remember every time I feel impatient.
Hi Alan,
thanks for your comment and kind words; my mother definitely was wiser than she ever thought.
Wanting everything now is definitely something that’s going around these days; I wonder if Amazon has anything to do with that? LOL!
Wishing you all the best!
OMG Marc,
Can you read my blogs out loud please? Your voice is calming and makes me want to dive right in. 🙂 I swear I sound like Lucile Ball Whaaaa… Ok maybe not that bad.
I have been sitting here for hours, and I mean hours, commenting on everyone’s blogs. I was so nice to just sit back and listen. This was awesome. I’m assuming the some reason I hadn’t heard/read your blogs prior is most likely because I run out time, I do apologize.
Great blog, now I can’t wait for your next one.
Thanks Sandy
Hi Sandy,
Truly appreciate the compliment. How it got me from being a bank manager to doing voice-over could be for another couple of blogs! LOL!
If I can give you somewhat of an advice, I’d go with commenting on a reasonable number of blogs; so far, I’m following about 20 (including yours 🙂 ) that way, it does take some time but it doesn’t have to take ALL my time.
Looking forward to reading your next blog – and your comments; all the best!
Marc, thank you so much for this brilliant blog. All of the areas you talk about are so important that people often forget. I love the one about dreaming big. Sometimes you feel that you shouldn’t dream big because it’s arrogant or it might never happen, but in reality, the bigger you dream, the bigger the reward because, even if you fall short, it’s still amazing, so brilliant advice. I love the quote from your mum it’s absolutely right. thanks so much until next time. Thanks, Atif
Hi Atif,
Thank you for your great comment. many of the small things we need to do to attain great heights is, like you mentioned, sometimes lost in everything we do. Quick reminders are always welcome and essential to our success.
All the best!
Great post and I totally agree. People expect everything instant these days, Like you say on your response to the previous comment, I’m very sure it’ll do with Amazon. (Why I like being in Gambia actually. They are on GMT here – Gambian Maybe Time – maybe I’ll be there today maybe not.😁
Love the analagy about the long distance runner, May use that myself,
Hi Steve,
You just made my day! I totally love the GMT analogy! It reminded me of our motto in the infantry: “hurry up and wait!”.
We can so easily forget to “smell the roses” along the road of life; distractions and trying to go so fast are definitely points to work on during our small time on this earth. A few of these things I’m working on to make sure that I do take the time to smell the roses!
All the best and thanks for your comment.
Time, patience, and a dream sound good to me. Yes, we need time to learn the skills we need. Patience with ourselves that we will get through and a dream to believe in, that motivates us. All the best.
Hi Eleanor,
Thank you for your comment; indeed – having the vision, patience and (may I say) arrogance to bring your dreams to fruition are definite assets!
Wishing you all the best!
Hi Marc, I really enjoyed listening to your blog. Your presentation, both written and heard, is professional and well, just brilliant. Great advice about writing your dreams down; putting them down on paper makes them come alive. Here’s to your success and fulfilling your dreams!
Thanks for your comment and dropping by Andy.
For me, writing down my dreams was always a great part of getting them to come true!
All the best!
We all have dreams and aspirations. They might shift from time to time, and that’s completely normal. It’s human nature. But let’s chat about that burning desire to make money; we often want it pronto, right? Patience, you hit the nail on the head. Patience is the secret sauce here. I’m all about the quote “Don’t think about getting rich quick but get rich forever.” That’s the patience we need. If we roll up our sleeves and work steadily on our business, the riches will surely follow. Let’s keep the momentum going!
Hi Sherri,
I so truly love that phrase! It definitely is a great way to put things into perspective and more importantly drive you to the success you want!
Definitely keep the momentum going and looking forward to future comments!
All the Best!