Sometimes You Just Have To Wing It

Ever been in a situation where you had planned everything only to find out that much of what you’ve planned has been thrown out the window and now, well, you have to “wing it“?!

Welcome to Marc’s world of October! Like September, I had pretty much planned what I wanted to discuss during my weekly blogs; I had even pre-written quite a few of my comments and points I wanted to talk about. Then life turns around, smiles and tells you: “Wait, let’s make this a little bit more challenging“.

Some Things Just Can’t Be PlannedTo Do List

We all live in times that can, in certain circumstances, seem to be pulling us all in different directions. In my case, these past few weeks have been quite challenging both at work and at home. A total reorganization of our different branches at work has meant more hours planning on that instead of working on my business. Quite frustrating if you ask me.

Throw in the fact that I was supposed to be planning the presentation and marketing of the music application we’ve created – something my business partners and myself have been working on the past 3 years now – and that has also been pushed back a couple of weeks.

My wife would tell you that I’m somewhat of a control freak. My family physician would tend to agree, but in his case, he’d have a more scientific approach to it; he’d call it OCD.

Living Without Control

The one thing that all these situations have brought up is this: I can’t control any of them and, truth be told, I’m happy to say that I’ve still got a smile on my face. (Remember last week’s blog entry?). I also can honestly say that although there were a few moments of subtle sighs (or as my wife would say: “huffing and puffing“),  I’m still closer to solutions and success than I was last week or any week before.

I hadn’t planned on this particular line of blogging this week; I thought I’d be talking about the success of my music application after having developed it over the span of those 3 years but it seems that even if it’s not coming out right now, I can still find success in where we currently are; which is that much more closer to it becoming live than we were before!

Now, I’m sure you can relate to this: you work to develop what was first an idea, then, several changes occur because of your research and then once you get that point, you hit several other roadblocks that weren’t foreshadowed – or part of the marketing plan – and just when you see the light at the end of the tunnel, you’ve got another curve ball being thrown at you.

Why Quitting Isn’t An Option

This is probably the most important part of where I wanted to get to with this weeks blog. Basically, at this point in that venture, there’s no turning back and there’s definitely no quitting. I and my business partners have spent too many hours and money NOT to get that application out.

The same thing would apply to my Affiliate Marketing strategy. I’ve sat down and retooled what I want to do and what I’ve decided to put aside for now because there are too many things going on that I just can’t control or can’t do all at the same time.

One example I’ve used recently with the work reorganization is the analogy of juggling 5 balls in the air. I’ve told my bosses that I can’t juggle 6 balls in the air so which one or two do I put on the table so that I can grab a few others to juggle?

Pick Your Battles

What the Army would call “Picking Your Battles” I now call: making sure you don’t lose your sanity while trying to make more money or get things done!

I’ve had to put my Tik Tok videos on hold because we were finalizing the marketing and development of that musical application and that was ok; the frustration I’m feeling though or have felt in the delay of that part of my business has been the hardest thing to deal with.

Again, as I relate back to my Affiliate Marketing business, I also had told myself that maybe I could skip a week and not do a blog for this week. Then I figured that if I did that, I wasn’t continuing to do what Dean is trying to teach us when he asks us if we are “Becoming the person capable of success”.

Now you could turn around and tell me, well Marc, it’s not as if you’re quitting, you’re just giving yourself a break. True. But I feel that if I give myself that break, then I’ll be more inclined to give myself another week and then another….see where this is going?

Breath, Smile, Go!

In speaking with a few other business friends, many have confirmed to me that this is exactly the point at which many people will decide to quit. They’ll take a look around and even though they’ve invested time, money and energy into their business venture, they’ll take a knee and decide that they’ve had enough and they’ll quit.

No worries; that’s not my case. I just think that sometimes, you just need to take a breath, put a smile on your face and just push onward. I truly believe that success is around the corner!

On a last note, I had also started my days by reading either a quote of the day or, instead of watching the news, direct my attention to reading Good News. It seems that the positive impact I wanted that to have on me is rubbing off; not everything is dark and gloom – even if it sometimes looks like it!

So here’s to positivity and you making sure that even though the week may not pan out like you had planned, at least you can wing it in a way that will be good for you!

Like what you’re reading or have questions? Don’t be shy, write it up in the comments section for me to reply and more importantly, don’t forget to subscribe to my blog and Tik Tok account @canadianwolfe for continuous insights and tips. Together, let’s leverage the proven methods from Dean Holland’s Affiliate System to create a sustainable income stream.

To your success…to our success!

14 thoughts on “Sometimes You Just Have To Wing It”

  1. I like the fact you are moving ahead. So in spite of the wrenches that are thrown into the machinery. We all learn to pivot and make it happen in spite of our environments.

    1. Hi Scott,
      No other choice brother! LOL! On a serious note though, you’re right we learn to pivot and adapt; only way to get it done! Thank you for your comment.

  2. Hey Marc, I can relate easily to what you say. My days are well filled at work and with all other things to do when I’m back home, there is not much time left for my business. I understand how frustrating it is. With this, add the unpredictable events and you have matter to get overwhelmed the weekends. Getting a person capable of success is also to learn at how to manage our goals such that all our “system” is effectively running. Prioritizing is key. Thanks for posting and keeping committed despite adversity.

    1. Hi Martin,
      Thank you for your comment and yes, being able to say “no” is all part of the success factor if you ask me! Goals can only be met if we are actively making sure that they are realizable. All the best!

  3. Hey Marc,

    I like what you say about picking the right balls to keep in the air. I’m in the process of doing that myself right now.

    I also like the way you record the blog post so I can listen to it instead of reading it. You’ve got me a little inspired to do the same with my blog posts.

    Keep up the great work!

    1. Hi Sean,
      Thank you for your comment. I just decided to include the voice because I did voice-over! LOL! To me it was also another way for me to reach out to those who may not have the time to read my blog. Try it out, doesn’t take that much equipment and it definitely personalizes your blog!
      All the best!

  4. Hi Marc,

    Life definitely has a way of throwing us curveballs, but your perspective on “winging it” and staying positive is inspiring. It’s great to see how you’re adapting and focusing on what you can control, like your music application and your affiliate marketing strategies. Your analogy of juggling is very effective, prioritizing is essential, and it sounds like you’re making the right choices for your sanity and success. Keep pushing forward.. I believe success is just around the corner for you too! Looking forward to hearing more about your journey.


    1. Hi Meredith,
      I’m not too sure about the decisions I’m making being the best for my sanity LOL! But honestly, with experience you tend to come back and tell yourself “I just can’t do all of this!! OK, so what can I do?” and that answers quite a lot of questions before going the burn-out road!
      Thank you for your comment & all the best!

  5. I totally get where you’re coming from! Life has a funny way of tossing curveballs just when you think you’ve got everything sorted out. It sounds like you’re handling it like a champ!
    It’s all about knowing what to prioritize, especially when life gets a bit chaotic. And I agree, taking a breather is super important, but I totally get why you’re pushing through.

    Your positivity shines through! I’m all about that “breath, smile, go” mantra. Can’t wait to see how the music app and your affiliate marketing journey unfold.

    1. Hi Sarah,
      Appreciate your comment as well as the support. You are right, prioritizing our tasks may sometimes be a little harder to do than we anticipate – then again… if we let our emotions get in the way, it sometimes can make that prioritization quite harder! Thank you and yes, can’t wait to get that app out there!

  6. Hi Marc – Life is so funny and so unpredictable. Like you, I like to plan and know what to expect. I make a lot of effort to try and predict outcomes by my current behavior. But, life often throws a wrench in those gears and brings my ideas of what should happen to a grinding halt. I am glad that you chose to continue with your blog this week instead of putting it off as your posts are very helpful. I have had a few rough weeks as well and I think I will take your advice and just breathe for a moment. I will focus on what I’ve accomplished with renewed aspirations to what is possible. Now, to tackle my next unpredictable week with figure and energy. Have a great week!

    1. Hi Ernie,
      Thank you for your great comment and support. As you mention, we do need to take a step back sometimes, not only to breath but also to reassess – as you’ve done – where we stand and what our next steps should be.
      Have a great week as well!

  7. Hi, Marc!
    Your honesty and perseverance are truly inspiring! I admire your resilience in managing unexpected challenges while keeping your focus on progress. Oh, those curveballs in life! I get it – live it. It’s refreshing to see how you balance passion for your projects with the realities of life’s curveballs. You’ve shown that “winging it” isn’t about giving up control, but about trusting yourself to adapt and find the best path forward. Your commitment to consistency and positivity, even when things don’t go as planned, is a reminder that success isn’t just a goal—it’s a journey.
    All the best!
    Milissa Neirotti

    1. Hi Milissa,
      Appreciate your comment and support. Balancing the quirks life throws at us is an ever balancing act in itself and we try our best every day!
      Definitely is a journey! All the best to you too!

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