August: Reviewing The Whole Month

Hope everybody is having a great summer and since the month of August included many things, I thought I’d take one last swing at it all & take the time to review and go a little more in depth in what I learnt during the month of August – both while away on vacation and when I was home, working on updating both my Tik Tok videos and blog entries.

First off, I have to say that I’m totally pumped-up and positively overwhelmed with how the whole month went. Yes, there were hiccups here and there, (which I’ll go in more details later) but generally speaking, I found myself learning new things like how to edit my Tik Tok videos, adding text, etc… as well as finding myself in a comfort zone when talking on camera. Something that many of you can relate to and can feel to be challenging.

Breaking It Down

I also looked at how planning my weekly blog entries and breaking them down on a weekly basis was something that made them easier to develop and thereafter write-up and record the audio for.

As you may know, the audio part of recording my weekly blog entries is quite easy for me. Having done voice-over work for a number of years, it really is getting easy to record myself in 1 or 2 takes – that definitely helps on cutting down on time used to get these done.

As Dean mentions so many times: we will get better at everything we do when setting up our blogs, marketing strategies, etc over time – it won’t all happen overnight!

One other aspect I also found out was that my current equipment – my MacBook to be precise – wasn’t giving me the edge I needed while away from home. You see, the video and audio editing software I usually use to edit my video & audio recordings – Cyberlinks Director Suite 365 to name it – isn’t fully compatible on a Mac. I now am finding myself looking to change my laptop back to a Windows platform in the near future since my MacBook is a little over 6 years old. This will also make it more compatible with my current desktop set-up.

    “You are the most capable and qualified to help the person you used to be” Ed Mylett

Time Management

One other big thing that I learned during this month was that I need to set-up my schedule in a way that it’s compatible with how I want my business to go forward. Let me explain what I mean.

I previously worked on my blog during the week, recorded the voice-over part when done and on Saturday, uploaded it on the weekly share post in the Certified Partners private community in Facebook for Internet Profits.

That has to change because if I want to add Tik Tok videos, continue my blog entries and definitely continue training on how to get better at all of these, I need a better weekly structure to get these done so that I can enjoy doing other things in the evenings, after work, apart from always working on my business. I have to thank Brian Tracy and his book “Eat That Frog” for helping me see that I need to eat the ugliest frog first! If you’re wondering what a frog has to do with all of this – even the ugliest one, you need to buy the book to understand… it’s so totally worth it. (Then again… I might have just found next weeks blog entry?).

“Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you”    Carl Sandburg

It’s taken me all this time but I’ve discovered a passion I truly believe in. I’m having fun creating my videos and my blogs and although it’s not creating any income at this time, I’ll definitely use Dean’s wisdom when he tells us to: “don’t chase the money…let the money chase you“.

Time To Focus

With September slowly creeping up on us, here’s what I’d like my daily work structure to look like going forward. Let’s not forget though, it will be fluid and might need to be changed so that I can adapt to unanticipated changes.

I also work on a daily basis but come September, I have adapted my work schedule that will give me the possibility of having a couple of hours more in the late afternoon to dedicate myself to my business on top of current evenings.

Week Days & Weekends
  1. Monday through Wednesday will see at least 1 hour each late afternoon dedicated to learning how to use my Tik Tok videos to grow my subscription base and of course, continued interest to my subscribers. I’ll also be able to work evenings on my business 2 to 3 hours to continue the training or dedicate it to the development of my weekly blog entries.
  2. Thursday & Friday should be dedicated to finalizing my blog entries to make sure that they’re ready for publication and posting.
  3. Saturday mornings (because I’m still an early bird – gotta love the Army life) should be dedicated to preparing Tik Tok videos for the week: I want to start with 3 videos a week – that way my subscribers will know when they can anticipate a new entry, sometimes without even me having to forward an confirmation to them.
  4. I should also be able to develop what blog entries I anticipate to talk about in the future and;
  5. Sunday mornings should be used to blog-hop and reply or answer fellow bloggers who, like me, post on a weekly basis and share their posts in the Certified Partners private community in Facebook.

One of the main reasons I’m looking to “structure” myself is because of the upcoming subscribers I anticipate to my Tik Tok videos and blog entries, I’d like to have the time to write-up a Newsletter and forward it on a weekly basis. Keeping in touch with my subscribers is definitely a key I believe to my success.

Ironically, when I look at my schedule, you might first question me by asking: “are you taking the time to breath with all of that, Marc?” And yet, I look at the schedule and I see a whole lot of “free time” for me during the week – which is exactly what I wanted in the first place.

As I previously mentioned, I truly believe that I’m developing a passion for this and by creating a schedule that will help me grow, I’m definitely putting myself up for success!

Remember what Dean said: “Become a person capable of success!”.

Speaking of Dean, being part of the Accelerator Pro program at Internet Profits gives me several direct opportunities with Dean. One of which is that I’ll be sending a note for Dean to review the set-up of my website, my blog and Tik Tok videos and will be able to get a hands-on review by him directly. Tune in next week and I’ll be able to update you with his comments!

What do you think? I’d definitely appreciate your comments and as always, don’t forget to subscribe to my Tik Tok videos at @canadianWolfe and subscribe to my blog! (My Newsletter is in the works!)

To your success…to our success!

24 thoughts on “August: Reviewing The Whole Month”

  1. Hi Marc – It’s great to see you, and in this case hear you as well. I sometimes listen to your audio of your blog and sometimes even just follow along. I’ve mentioned it before but you have really such a great voice! Yes, I think the theme that I got from your post today is structure. Whether it’s a technical, finding time or making time to do your business, learning about video and incorporating your equipment with the right software or whatever. Its structure! I really appreciate how you incorporated and remind us of Dean’s comment, “Become a person capable of success!” I personally believe we are not only capable of success, but we deserve it as well! Have a wonderful week full of structure, progress and a few smiles sprinkled in there!

    1. Hi Ernie,
      Thank you for your great comment and reminder that yes, we do deserve success in all of its forms!
      Looking to structure September in an even better way so that I can get even better at that structure.
      All the best!

  2. Wow, Marc, it sounds like August was a whirlwind of learning and growth for you! I love how you’re diving into TikTok and blogging with such enthusiasm and a well-structured plan. Your approach to time management and breaking down tasks is spot-on—setting specific goals for each part of your week will definitely help you stay on track. I’m curious to see how your new schedule will shape up and how Dean’s feedback will impact your strategy. Keep up the fantastic work, and best of luck with your September goals!

    1. Hi Alison,
      It definitely was a whirlwind of knowledge and structure planning!
      Appreciate your comment and support – and yes, looking forward to hearing what Dean has to say (hopefully…good stuff! LOL!)
      All the best!

  3. I like your scheduled structure. I am going to figure out how to put audio or video in my blog for the month of Sept. You have an excellent plan.

    1. Hi Scott,
      Thank you for your comment and support. Planning for me has always been a big part of my daily structure; then again…so was not being focused – and that’s the part I’m working on for September!
      All the best!

  4. Marc, I’m with you on being the early bird. It’s the best part of the day for me but it’s been three and half years since I’ve HAD to be up early. So 4 or 5 in the morning has changed to 6 or 7.

    I share your passion of blogging and making videos. I just need to work on inserting “me” in those videos as I much prefer to allow my AI voice to do the talking.

    Way to go on setting up time to focus throughout the week!

    1. Hi Robert,
      Thank you for your comment. Next step of inserting “you” in all of this is definitely something great to do. Don’t forget, that’s one step that can definitely be empowering for you!
      All the best!

  5. Hi Marc,

    I’m so impressed by everything you’ve accomplished this August! Balancing work, vacation, and still making progress with your TikTok and blog is no small feat. It’s especially inspiring to see how you’ve gotten more comfortable on camera, that’s something I’m working on too, so I totally get how challenging it can be.

    I love how you’re carving out time for both business and relaxation. It’s clear you’re committed to growth, and Dean’s advice about letting the money chase you really is the way to look at it.

    I’m excited to see what’s next for you, especially with Dean’s feedback on your content. I’ll definitely be looking out for your TikTok videos, and I can’t wait to see your newsletter when it’s ready. You’re doing an amazing job, keep it up!


    1. Hi Meredith,
      Wow! A comment like yours is the reason I truly believe that I can get this done! So many of you have taken the time to take a look at what I’ve been doing & provided great feedback.
      Looking forward to September and everything that I can get done in that month!
      Thanks again for your support and comment!

  6. Hi, Marc!
    I noticed that you said you have spare time because you have planned your month so well. Hmmmm… I’m going to model my planning after yours and see what I come up with. Our strategies are a bit different, but I will go by the general idea and see if I can plan some extra spare time for my month! Brilliant!

    1. Hi Nakina,
      Thank you for your comment and yes, working in September to get that strategy working. I’m also quite positive that by tweaking it, I can even get better at all of this!
      Thank you for your support and looking forward to sharing and reading what September brings to all of us!
      All the best!

  7. Great post! It’s awesome to see how much you’ve learned and accomplished in August. Your enthusiasm is contagious, and it’s inspiring to see how you’re embracing both the challenges and successes. I totally agree that finding a good structure is key, and it looks like you’ve got a solid plan moving forward. Excited to see where your journey takes you—keep up the amazing work!

    1. Hi Sarah,
      Thank you for your comment and yes, totally embracing challenges and successes! I think I can tweak a bit more my structure so that I can get even better at all of this in September!
      All the best and thank you again for your great support!

  8. That’s a well structured plan. I find I need to be more specific in when I’m going to do the task I plan to do in order to get them done. I should probably be like you and be as specific with my shedule.

    1. Hi Nathan,
      Having a specific agenda & structure has definitely help me in leaps and bounds over the past couple of months. I feel that I’m definitely more in control of my success!
      All the best and thanks for dropping in & providing your comment!

  9. I always love reading (and listening) to your blog posts. You are a man of action who always finds a way to tweak the process to better suit you. I love your positivity and ability to go with the flow of each challenge. You are someone I admire and want to model after. I admire your commitment and tenacity to complete things and perfect your strategies. Well done, Marc.

    1. Hi Vanessa,
      Thank you for your comment; you’re going to make me blush! LOL! Appreciate the fact that I’m going forward – much more faster than before! And that the steps I’m taking are on the right path! Thank you for your support, really means a lot from everyone!
      All the best!

  10. Hi Marc, that’s what I call progress.
    Impressive. You did a very nice work at structuring your business. Building a schedule is one thing, following it is another thing. In fact, by experience a plan is worth to be done and we learn a lot by doing it, but it is rarely going as expected and even followed. But it’s nevertheless a necessity. The exercise can reveal flaws and things you can optimize and do better.
    You’re on the right path my friend and it’s good to hear!👍

    1. Hi Martin,
      Thank you for your comment and vote of confidence! I have to say though, the VP (wife) has a lot to do with the fact that I’m focused: she’ll bring me back to what I should be doing in a heartbeat!
      Again, thank you for your support & wishing you all the best as well!

  11. Hey Marc!

    What strikes me is how well and effctively you are thinking and planning your time to ensure you get a lot done!

    A lot of people struggle with that but it’s clearly a strength of yours!

    Excited to see you continue 🙂


  12. Hi Marc! I enjoyed reading your productivity vision! I know what it feels like to juggle so many tasks in this business. Lest we forget, juggling is good for the brain! Keeping balls in the air with equanimity is a skill to nurture and inspires flexibility. Rigid plans is a way to bash progress, for me!! But visualizing those balls are a way for me to get ‘er done!!

    1. Hi Kate,
      Great comment and thank you for the analogy! Yes, it is true that juggling keeps the mind occupied (if only I could remember which ball is in the air! LOL!)
      All the best!

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